Sunday, Nov 19, 2023, is SANTA’S WORKSHOP

The Santa Experience is designed for children to meet Santa in a private setting without having to wait in a long line. Children can present their Wish List, have hot cocoa, read a story, peek in Santa’s sack and chat with Santa about the North Pole.

Parents are also welcome to sneak in a surprise for their children in Santa’s sack!!


Sunday, Nov 26, 2023, is BAKING WITH MRS. CLAUS

The Experience is booked in 20-minute segments; however, expect to be with Santa for 12-15 of those minutes. Santa photos will be taken on the Farmhouse Holiday set pictured above.

Sessions are by appointment only and are open until they sell out.

Introducing Magical Digitals

Magical Digitals are composites taken on a blue/green screen with added magic in post-editing!

Magical Digitals are $40 per image as an add-on at the time of booking.

There are 4 to choose from:

Rudolph’s Nose

Peek out a window at Rudolph!

Reindeer Parade

Have fun in Santa’s sleigh with the reindeer on parade. 

Reindeer Flight

Fly in Santa’s sleigh at night with the reindeer. 

Frosted Window

Peeking into a frosted window looking at your child enjoying a Christmas scene.

Any and all information you need is in the BOOK NOW button. Let me know if you have any questions.

Check out our Holiday Gift Guide!